Destinations: Port de Valldemossa

Nestled amidst the rugged beauty of Mallorca is Port de Valldemossa, an often overlooked one way in and out decent and climb on the MA-10 coastal road. After being on the island for nearly a year we had not taken the trip down, so it seemed apt that we pop our Valldemossa cherry in the connection collection kit and it did not disappoint. 

With its charming allure and breathtaking views this hidden gem, cradled by the Serra de Tramuntana mountains, offers a serene escape from the hustle of riders on the coastal road. As you approach the port, winding through the picturesque roads full of switch backs and flanked by lush greenery and towering cliffs, a sense of tranquility washes over you. glimpsing the pristine blue waters of the Mediterranean glistening in the sunlight as you descend down and around hairpins, Its almost like its inviting you to pause and take in the panoramic views, and we can highly recommend.

The max gradient isnt anything to kick up about as its only 12.9% max and this is mainly because of some of the sharp switchbacks on a small road and the average gradient is just like the infamous Sa Calobra, at 6%. 

We were super happy that there is a restaurant down the bottom so you can refill your bottles if needed and when you get to the top your only 700m from the town of Valldemossa where there are plenty of cafes and shops, so your not obligated to grab food down there. One thing we can recommend though is taking a dip in the crystal clear water at the bottom. 

So weather you’re an avid cyclist seeking an exhilarating ride or a traveler in search of natural beauty and quiet moments, we can tell you that Port de Valldemossa promises an unforgettable experience that you need to stick on your list. After all its always the roads less travelled that add to the memories. 

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